



revproxy.utils.DEFAULT_CHARSET = 'latin-1'

Variable that represent the default charset used

revproxy.utils.HTML_CONTENT_TYPES = ('text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml')

List containing string constants that represents possible html content type


List containing string constant that are used to represent headers that can be ignored in the required_header function

revproxy.utils.MIN_STREAMING_LENGTH = 4096

Variable used to represent a minimal content size required for response to be turned into stream

revproxy.utils.cookie_from_string(cookie_string, strict_cookies=False)[source]

Parser for HTTP header set-cookie The return from this function will be used as parameters for django’s response.set_cookie method. Because set_cookie doesn’t have parameter comment, this cookie attribute will be ignored.

  • cookie_string – A string representing a valid cookie
  • strict_cookies – Whether to only accept RFC-compliant cookies

A dictionary containing the cookie_string attributes


Function that encode all elements in the list of items passed as a parameter

Parameters:items – A list of tuple
Returns:A list of tuple with all items encoded in ‘utf-8’

Function used to retrieve the charset from a content-type.If there is no charset in the content type then the charset defined on DEFAULT_CHARSET will be returned

Parameters:content_type – A string containing a Content-Type header
Returns:A string containing the charset

Function used to verify if the parameter is a proper html content type

Parameters:content_type – String variable that represent a content-type
Returns:A boolean value stating if the content_type is a valid html content type

Function used to transform header, replacing ‘HTTP_’ to ‘’ and replace ‘_’ to ‘-’

Parameters:request – A HttpRequest that will be transformed
Returns:A dictionary with the normalized headers

Function that verify if the header parameter is a essential header

Parameters:header – A string represented a header
Returns:A boolean value that represent if the header is required
revproxy.utils.set_response_headers(response, response_headers)[source]

Function to verify if the proxy_response must be converted into a stream.This will be done by checking the proxy_response content-length and verify if its length is bigger than one stipulated by MIN_STREAMING_LENGTH.

Parameters:proxy_response – An Instance of urllib3.response.HTTPResponse
Returns:A boolean stating if the proxy_response should be treated as a stream

Remove wrapping quotes from a string.

Parameters:value – A string that might be wrapped in double quotes, such as a HTTP cookie value.
Returns:Beginning and ending quotes removed and escaped quotes (") unescaped