Source code for revproxy.views

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import re
import sys
import mimetypes
import logging

import urllib3

from django.utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse, urlencode, quote_plus

from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.views.generic import View
from django.utils.decorators import classonlymethod
from django.views.generic.base import ContextMixin

from .exceptions import InvalidUpstream
from .response import get_django_response
from .transformer import DiazoTransformer
from .utils import normalize_request_headers, encode_items

# Chars that don't need to be quoted. We use same than nginx:
#   (Lines 1433-1449)
QUOTE_SAFE = '<.;>\(}*+|~=-$/_:^@)[{]&\'!,"`'

    'upstream-no-scheme': ("Upstream URL scheme must be either "
                           "'http' or 'https' (%s).")

HTTP_POOLS = urllib3.PoolManager()

[docs]class ProxyView(View): """View responsable by excute proxy requests, process and return their responses. """ _upstream = None add_remote_user = False default_content_type = 'application/octet-stream' retries = None rewrite = tuple() # It will be overrided by a tuple inside tuple. strict_cookies = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ProxyView, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._rewrite = [] # Take all elements inside tuple, and insert into _rewrite for from_pattern, to_pattern in self.rewrite: from_re = re.compile(from_pattern) self._rewrite.append((from_re, to_pattern)) self.http = HTTP_POOLS self.log = logging.getLogger('revproxy.view')"ProxyView created") @property def upstream(self): if not self._upstream: raise NotImplementedError('Upstream server must be set') return self._upstream @upstream.setter def upstream(self, value): self._upstream = value
[docs] def get_upstream(self, path): upstream = self.upstream if not getattr(self, '_parsed_url', None): self._parsed_url = urlparse(upstream) if self._parsed_url.scheme not in ('http', 'https'): raise InvalidUpstream(ERRORS_MESSAGES['upstream-no-scheme'] % upstream) if path and upstream[-1] != '/': upstream += '/' return upstream
[docs] @classonlymethod def as_view(cls, **initkwargs): view = super(ProxyView, cls).as_view(**initkwargs) view.csrf_exempt = True return view
def _format_path_to_redirect(self, request): full_path = request.get_full_path() self.log.debug("Dispatch full path: %s", full_path) for from_re, to_pattern in self._rewrite: if from_re.match(full_path): redirect_to = from_re.sub(to_pattern, full_path) self.log.debug("Redirect to: %s", redirect_to) return redirect_to
[docs] def get_proxy_request_headers(self, request): """Get normalized headers for the upstream Gets all headers from the original request and normalizes them. Normalization occurs by removing the prefix ``HTTP_`` and replacing and ``_`` by ``-``. Example: ``HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING`` becames ``Accept-Encoding``. .. versionadded:: 0.9.1 :param request: The original HTTPRequest instance :returns: Normalized headers for the upstream """ return normalize_request_headers(request)
[docs] def get_request_headers(self): """Return request headers that will be sent to upstream. The header REMOTE_USER is set to the current user if the view's add_remote_user property is True .. versionadded:: 0.9.8 """ request_headers = self.get_proxy_request_headers(self.request) if self.add_remote_user and self.request.user.is_active: request_headers['REMOTE_USER'] = self.request.user.get_username()"REMOTE_USER set") return request_headers
[docs] def get_quoted_path(self, path): """Return quoted path to be used in proxied request""" return quote_plus(path.encode('utf8'), QUOTE_SAFE)
def _created_proxy_response(self, request, path): request_payload = request.body self.log.debug("Request headers: %s", self.request_headers) path = self.get_quoted_path(path) request_url = self.get_upstream(path) + path self.log.debug("Request URL: %s", request_url) if request.GET: get_data = encode_items(request.GET.lists()) request_url += '?' + urlencode(get_data) self.log.debug("Request URL: %s", request_url) try: proxy_response = self.http.urlopen(request.method, request_url, redirect=False, retries=self.retries, headers=self.request_headers, body=request_payload, decode_content=False, preload_content=False) self.log.debug("Proxy response header: %s", proxy_response.getheaders()) except urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError as error: self.log.exception(error) raise return proxy_response def _replace_host_on_redirect_location(self, request, proxy_response): location = proxy_response.headers.get('Location') if location: if request.is_secure(): scheme = 'https://' else: scheme = 'http://' request_host = scheme + request.get_host() upstream_host_http = 'http://' + self._parsed_url.netloc upstream_host_https = 'https://' + self._parsed_url.netloc location = location.replace(upstream_host_http, request_host) location = location.replace(upstream_host_https, request_host) proxy_response.headers['Location'] = location self.log.debug("Proxy response LOCATION: %s", proxy_response.headers['Location']) def _set_content_type(self, request, proxy_response): content_type = proxy_response.headers.get('Content-Type') if not content_type: content_type = (mimetypes.guess_type(request.path)[0] or self.default_content_type) proxy_response.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type self.log.debug("Proxy response CONTENT-TYPE: %s", proxy_response.headers['Content-Type'])
[docs] def dispatch(self, request, path): self.request_headers = self.get_request_headers() redirect_to = self._format_path_to_redirect(request) if redirect_to: return redirect(redirect_to) proxy_response = self._created_proxy_response(request, path) self._replace_host_on_redirect_location(request, proxy_response) self._set_content_type(request, proxy_response) response = get_django_response(proxy_response, strict_cookies=self.strict_cookies) self.log.debug("RESPONSE RETURNED: %s", response) return response
[docs]class DiazoProxyView(ProxyView, ContextMixin): _diazo_rules = None diazo_theme_template = 'diazo.html' html5 = False @property def diazo_rules(self): if not self._diazo_rules: child_class_file = sys.modules[self.__module__].__file__ app_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(child_class_file)) diazo_path = os.path.join(app_path, 'diazo.xml') self.log.debug("diazo_rules: %s", diazo_path) self._diazo_rules = diazo_path return self._diazo_rules @diazo_rules.setter def diazo_rules(self, value): self._diazo_rules = value
[docs] def dispatch(self, request, path): response = super(DiazoProxyView, self).dispatch(request, path) context_data = self.get_context_data() diazo = DiazoTransformer(request, response) response = diazo.transform(self.diazo_rules, self.diazo_theme_template, self.html5, context_data) return response