Source code for revproxy.transformer

import re

from io import StringIO

import logging

from django.utils.six import string_types
from django.template import loader

    from diazo.compiler import compile_theme
except ImportError:
    #: Variable used to identify if diazo is available
    HAS_DIAZO = False
    HAS_DIAZO = True
    from lxml import etree

from .utils import get_charset, is_html_content_type

#: Regex used to find the doctype-header in a html content
doctype_re = re.compile(br"^<!DOCTYPE\s[^>]+>\s*", re.MULTILINE)
#: String used to verify if request has a 'HTTP_X_DIAZO_OFF' header
#: String used to verify if request has a 'X-Diazo-Off' header

[docs]def asbool(value): """Function used to convert certain string values into an appropriated boolean value.If value is not a string the built-in python bool function will be used to convert the passed parameter :param value: an object to be converted to a boolean value :returns: A boolean value """ is_string = isinstance(value, string_types) if is_string: value = value.strip().lower() if value in ('true', 'yes', 'on', 'y', 't', '1',): return True elif value in ('false', 'no', 'off', 'n', 'f', '0'): return False else: raise ValueError("String is not true/false: %r" % value) else: return bool(value)
[docs]class DiazoTransformer(object): """Class used to make a diazo transformation on a request or a response""" def __init__(self, request, response): self.request = request self.response = response self.log = logging.getLogger('revproxy.transformer')"DiazoTransformer created")
[docs] def should_transform(self): """Determine if we should transform the response :returns: A boolean value """ if not HAS_DIAZO:"HAS_DIAZO: false") return False if asbool(self.request.META.get(DIAZO_OFF_REQUEST_HEADER)):"DIAZO_OFF_REQUEST_HEADER in request.META: off") return False if asbool(self.response.get(DIAZO_OFF_RESPONSE_HEADER)):"DIAZO_OFF_RESPONSE_HEADER in response.get: off") return False if self.request.is_ajax():"Request is AJAX") return False if self.response.streaming:"Response has streaming") return False content_type = self.response.get('Content-Type') if not is_html_content_type(content_type):"Content-type: false") return False content_encoding = self.response.get('Content-Encoding') if content_encoding in ('zip', 'compress'):"Content encode is %s", content_encoding) return False status_code = str(self.response.status_code) if status_code.startswith('3') or \ status_code == '204' or \ status_code == '401':"Status code: %s", status_code) return False if len(self.response.content) == 0:"Response Content is EMPTY") return False"Transform") return True
[docs] def transform(self, rules, theme_template, is_html5, context_data=None): """Method used to make a transformation on the content of the http response based on the rules and theme_templates passed as paremters :param rules: A file with a set of diazo rules to make a transformation over the original response content :param theme_template: A file containing the template used to format the the original response content :param is_html5: A boolean parameter to identify a html5 doctype :returns: A response with a content transformed based on the rules and theme_template """ if not self.should_transform():"Don't need to be transformed") return self.response theme = loader.render_to_string(theme_template, context=context_data, request=self.request) output_xslt = compile_theme( rules=rules, theme=StringIO(theme), ) transform = etree.XSLT(output_xslt) self.log.debug("Transform: %s", transform) charset = get_charset(self.response.get('Content-Type')) try: decoded_response = self.response.content.decode(charset) except UnicodeDecodeError: decoded_response = self.response.content.decode(charset, 'ignore') self.log.warning("Charset is {} and type of encode used in file is\ different. Some unknown characteres might be\ ignored.".format(charset)) content_doc = etree.fromstring(decoded_response, parser=etree.HTMLParser()) self.response.content = transform(content_doc) if is_html5: self.set_html5_doctype() self.reset_headers() self.log.debug("Response transformer: %s", self.response) return self.response
[docs] def reset_headers(self): """This method remove the header Content-Length entry from the response """"Reset header") del self.response['Content-Length']
[docs] def set_html5_doctype(self): """Method used to transform a doctype in to a properly html5 doctype """ doctype = b'<!DOCTYPE html>\n' content = doctype_re.subn(doctype, self.response.content, 1)[0] self.response.content = content